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Partex Crimping Tool for End Ferrules 0.5 to 10.0mm


Partex Crimping Tool for End Ferrules 0.5mm² to 10.0mm²

The ECEFT4 Bootlace crimper has extra long computer designed handles and new ratchet system

2 in stock (can be backordered)

    SKU: partex-bootlace-crimper-eceft4 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

    Partex Crimp Tool for End Ferrules

    Ergonomic ratchet crimp tool for cord end ferrules 0.5mm² to 10.0mm².

    • Extra long computer designed handles and new ratchet system reduces crimping effort to a minimum.
    • Reduces risk of Repetitive Strain Injuries and cuts operator fatigue.
    • Adjustable tensioner.
    • Replaceable jaws.
    • Length 258mm.
    • Weight 0.65kg.